Meet Information
At this time we have Clay, Baldwin, Newberry, Ed White, Suwannee, The Rock School, P.K. Yonge and Baker County committed. NO MORE HIGH SCHOOL TEAMS!
The middle school race will be open to the first five Middle School Teams. STILL NEED MIDDLE SCHOOL OR JUNIOR HIGH ENTRIES.
High Schools: $50/Gender or $80/Both Genders (If you don't have 5 or more runners in a specific gender then enter them under the school name as normal and pay the individual payment(s).
Middle Schools: $25/Gender or $40/Both Genders (If you don't have 5 or more runners in a specific gender then enter them under the school name as normal and pay the individual payment(s).
Individual Runners: $5/Person
Make checks payable to: Bradford High School Cross Country.
If you want to mail your entry payment.
Bradford High School Cross Country
581 N Temple Ave.
Starke, FL 32091